De code in mijn vorige post was niet alleen moeilijk leesbaar, hij was ook niet volledig.
Hoewel ik nog steeds bezig ben om de code te verbeteren, wil ik je deze tussentijdse versie niet onthouden. Doe er je voordeel mee en heb jij zelf verbeteringen aangebracht, ik blijf graag op de hoogte.
Hieronder tref je de wijzigingen die ik heb aangebracht in configuration.yaml. Alle sensoren die ik heb gemaakt zitten er in. Bedenk wel dat deze soms refereren naar sensoren in mijn HomeMatic systeem. Je moet deze dus aanpassen naar jouw fysieke sensoren.
template: - sensor: - name: "EV_Laadpaal_Actueel" device_class: power unit_of_measurement: W state: > {{ states('sensor.leq0147882_18_frequency') | float * 3.6 * 10.0}} - sensor: - name: "EV_Solar_Actueel" device_class: power unit_of_measurement: W state: > {{ states('sensor.leq0147882_16_frequency') | float * 3.6 * 1.0}} - sensor: - name: "EV_Tuinhuis_Actueel" device_class: power unit_of_measurement: W state: > {{ states('sensor.leq0147882_17_frequency') | float * 3.6 * 1.0}} - sensor: - name: "EV_Heating_Actueel" device_class: power unit_of_measurement: W state: > {{ states('sensor.leq0147882_15_frequency') | float * 3.6 * 1.0}} - sensor: - name: "EV_Huishoudverbruik_Actueel" device_class: power unit_of_measurement: W state: > {{ states('sensor.leq0147882_19_frequency') | float * 3.6 * 10.0}} - sensor: - name: "EV_Boot_Actueel" device_class: power unit_of_measurement: W state: > {{ states('sensor.leq0147882_20_frequency') | float * 3.6 * 10.0}} - sensor: - name: "Day_Ahead_Avg_Price" device_class: monetary unit_of_measurement: € state: > {{ state_attr ('sensor.day_ahead_price', 'avg_price')}} - sensor: - name: "Day_Ahead_Current_Price" #device_class: monetary unit_of_measurement: €/kWh state: > {{ state_attr ('sensor.day_ahead_price', 'day_ahead_price')}} - sensor: - name: "Day_Ahead_Min_Price" device_class: monetary unit_of_measurement: € state: > {{ state_attr ('sensor.day_ahead_price', 'min_price')}} - sensor: - name: "Day_Ahead_Max_Price" device_class: monetary unit_of_measurement: € state: > {{ state_attr ('sensor.day_ahead_price', 'max_price')}} - sensor: - name: "Day_Ahead_Lowerband_Price" device_class: monetary unit_of_measurement: € state: > {{ (1-(states ('input_number.ess_price_lower_band')) | int / 100) * (states ('sensor.day_ahead_avg_price') | float ) }} - sensor: - name: "Day_Ahead_Upperband_Price" device_class: monetary unit_of_measurement: € state: > {{ (1+(states ('input_number.ess_price_upper_band')) | int / 100) * (states ('sensor.day_ahead_avg_price') | float )}} - sensor: - name: "VE Grid Power" device_class: power unit_of_measurement: W state: > {{ states("sensor.ve_grid_power_l1") |float + states("sensor.ve_grid_power_l2") | float + states("sensor.ve_grid_power_l3") |float }} - sensor: - name: "ESS_Grid_Setpoint" ## use this to set ESS grid setpoint. Values are determined by maximum grid connection point ## substract value from 65535 for negative vaule device_class: power unit_of_measurement: W state: > {% if is_state("input_number.ess_grid_feedin", "0.0") -%} 0 {%- elif is_state("input_number.ess_grid_feedin", "1.0") -%} 17250 {%- elif is_state("input_number.ess_grid_feedin", "-1.0") -%} 48285 {%- endif %} mqtt: sensor: - state_topic: entsoe/day-ahead name: 'Day-ahead-price' unit_of_measurement: "€" value_template: '{{ value_json.day_ahead_price }}' json_attributes_topic: entsoe/day-ahead
Hieronder de automations die ik heb gemaakt. Meestal heb ik hiervoor de wizzards gebruikt maar uiteindelijk wordt alles in code omgezet. Ik verwijs graag naar mij Youtube video voor uitleg over de automations. Anders begrijp je niet zo goed wat deze doen. Ook voor dit bestand geldt dat enkele verwijzingen refereren aan specifieke hardware en/of sensoren.
- id: '1662234306246' alias: Switch on Energy Import and Energy Consumers description: '' trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.day_ahead_price attribute: day_ahead_price below: sensor.day_ahead_lowerband_price condition: [] action: - service: switch.turn_on data: {} target: entity_id: - switch.peq1418450_7 - service: input_number.set_value data: value: 1 target: entity_id: input_number.ess_grid_feedin - service: switch.turn_off data: {} target: entity_id: switch.peq1418450_8 mode: single - id: '1662899027507' alias: Set ESS Grid Feed by writing Modbus register description: This automation sets the Victron ESS Grid feed to in, out or 0 trigger: - platform: state entity_id: - input_number.ess_grid_feedin condition: [] action: - service: modbus.write_register data: address: 2700 slave: 100 value: '{{ states(''sensor.ess_grid_setpoint'') }}' hub: victron mode: single - id: '1663360219833' alias: Switch off Energy Import and Consumers and Export Energy to Grid description: '' trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.day_ahead_price attribute: day_ahead_price above: sensor.day_ahead_upperband_price condition: - condition: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.ve_battery_state_of_charge_system above: 50 action: - service: switch.turn_off data: {} target: entity_id: switch.peq1418450_7 - service: input_number.set_value data: value: -1 target: entity_id: input_number.ess_grid_feedin - service: switch.turn_on data: {} target: entity_id: switch.peq1418450_8 mode: single - id: '1663360672817' alias: Switch off Energy Import and set Grid setpoint to 0 description: '' trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.day_ahead_price attribute: day_ahead_price above: sensor.day_ahead_lowerband_price below: sensor.day_ahead_upperband_price condition: [] action: - service: switch.turn_off data: {} target: entity_id: - switch.peq1418450_8 - switch.peq1418450_7 - service: input_number.set_value data: value: 0 target: entity_id: input_number.ess_grid_feedin - service: switch.turn_off data: {} target: entity_id: switch.peq1418450_9 mode: single - id: '1663598422950' alias: Switch off Energy Export to grid if SoC < 50% description: '' trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.ve_battery_state_of_charge_system below: 50 condition: [] action: - service: input_number.set_value data: value: 0 target: entity_id: input_number.ess_grid_feedin mode: single - id: '1664573680849' alias: VSW ultra low switch on description: Schakelt schakelaar aan als de elec prijs zeer laag is. trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.day_ahead_price attribute: day_ahead_price below: 0.02 condition: [] action: - service: switch.turn_on data: {} target: entity_id: switch.peq1418450_9 mode: single - id: '1664573871793' alias: VSW ultra low switch off description: '' trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.day_ahead_price attribute: day_ahead_price above: 0.02 condition: [] action: - service: switch.turn_off data: {} target: entity_id: switch.peq1418450_9 mode: single - id: '1665776652412' alias: Increase Low Bandwidth Price to 20% description: Verlaag de bandbreedte met naar 20 als SoC <50% trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.ve_battery_state_of_charge_system below: 50 above: 40 condition: [] action: - service: input_number.set_value data: value: 20 target: entity_id: input_number.ess_price_lower_band mode: single - id: '1665776936570' alias: Decrease Low Bandwidth Price to 10% description: Verlaag de bandbreedte naar 10% als SoC <40% trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.ve_battery_state_of_charge_system below: 40 above: 30 condition: [] action: - service: input_number.set_value data: value: 10 target: entity_id: input_number.ess_price_lower_band mode: single - id: '1665778310119' alias: Switch off Energy Import when Sunny or Partly Cloudy description: '' trigger: - platform: state entity_id: - weather.vriendschap to: - sunny - partlycloudy condition: - condition: numeric_state entity_id: sun.sun attribute: rising above: 0 action: - service: switch.turn_off data: {} target: entity_id: switch.peq1418450_7 mode: single - id: '1666123826682' alias: Decrease Upper Bandwidth to 15% if SoC > 80% description: Verlaag de bandbreedte met naar 20 als SoC >80% trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.ve_battery_state_of_charge_system below: 100 above: 80 condition: [] action: - service: input_number.set_value data: value: 15 target: entity_id: input_number.ess_price_upper_band mode: single - id: '1666124043886' alias: Increase Upper Bandwidth to 20% if SoC is > 50% and < 80% description: Verhoog de bandbreedte met naar 20 als SoC <80% trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.ve_battery_state_of_charge_system below: 80 above: 50 condition: [] action: - service: input_number.set_value data: value: 20 target: entity_id: input_number.ess_price_upper_band mode: single
DIt bevat de lijst van registers die ik in modbus aanspreek om de informatie uit te lezen (en te schrijven) voor de Victron Energy Multiplus inverters.
# modbus victron ess - name: victron retry_on_empty: true retries: 10 type: tcp host: <your IP address of the Cerbo/CCGX device> port: 502 # REMARK: scan_interval: <5 can cause troubles sensors: - name: 'VE AC Consumption L1' unit_of_measurement: "W" slave: 100 address: 817 data_type: uint16 scan_interval: 5 device_class: power - name: 'VE AC Consumption L2' unit_of_measurement: "W" slave: 100 address: 818 data_type: uint16 scan_interval: 5 device_class: power - name: 'VE AC Consumption L3' unit_of_measurement: "W" slave: 100 address: 819 data_type: uint16 scan_interval: 5 device_class: power - name: 'VE Grid power L1' unit_of_measurement: "W" slave: 100 address: 820 data_type: int16 scan_interval: 5 device_class: power - name: 'VE Grid power L2' unit_of_measurement: "W" slave: 100 address: 821 data_type: int16 scan_interval: 5 device_class: power - name: 'VE Grid power L3' unit_of_measurement: "W" slave: 100 address: 822 data_type: int16 scan_interval: 5 device_class: power - name: 'VE Critical Loads power L1' unit_of_measurement: "W" slave: 246 address: 23 data_type: int16 scale: 10 scan_interval: 5 device_class: power - name: 'VE Critical Loads power L2' unit_of_measurement: "W" slave: 246 address: 24 data_type: int16 scale: 10 scan_interval: 5 device_class: power - name: 'VE Critical Loads power L3' unit_of_measurement: "W" slave: 246 address: 25 data_type: int16 scale: 10 scan_interval: 5 device_class: power # ESS Settings - name: 'VE ESS Minimum SoC setpoint' unit_of_measurement: "%" data_type: uint16 slave: 100 address: 2901 scan_interval: 5 scale: 0.1 - name: 'VE Maximum System Grid Feed In' unit_of_measurement: "W" data_type: uint16 slave: 100 address: 2706 scale: 0.01 device_class: power # command_on: 4000 # command_off: 40 # verify_state: false - name: 'VE ESS BatteryLife state' data_type: uint16 slave: 100 address: 2900 scan_interval: 5 - name: 'VE ESS Grid setpoint' unit_of_measurement: "W" data_type: int16 slave: 100 address: 2700 device_class: power #Battery - name: 'VE Battery current' unit_of_measurement: "A DC" slave: 100 address: 841 data_type: int16 scale: 0.1 precision: 0 device_class: current - name: 'VE Battery Power System' unit_of_measurement: "W" slave: 100 address: 842 data_type: int16 scale: 1.0 precision: 0 device_class: power # VE Charge power. deze gebruiken voor omrekenen van min en pos - name: 'VE Charge Power System' unit_of_measurement: "W" slave: 100 address: 866 data_type: int16 scale: 1.0 precision: 0 device_class: energy - name: 'VE Battery State of Charge System' unit_of_measurement: "%" slave: 100 address: 843 data_type: uint16 scale: 1 precision: 0 - name: 'VE Battery Discharged Energy' unit_of_measurement: "kWh" slave: 245 address: 301 data_type: uint16 scale: 0.1 precision: 0 device_class: energy state_class: total_increasing - name: 'VE Battery Charged Energy' unit_of_measurement: "kWh" slave: 245 address: 302 data_type: uint16 scale: 0.1 precision: 0 device_class: energy state_class: total_increasing # Victron device over Modbus: vebus # Grid Voltage - name: 'VE Grid Voltage L1 in' unit_of_measurement: "V AC" slave: 246 address: 3 data_type: uint16 scale: 0.1 offset: 0 precision: 2 device_class: voltage - name: 'VE Grid Voltage L2 in' unit_of_measurement: "V AC" slave: 246 address: 4 data_type: uint16 scale: 0.1 offset: 0 precision: 2 device_class: voltage - name: 'VE Grid Voltage L3 in' unit_of_measurement: "V AC" slave: 246 address: 5 data_type: uint16 scale: 0.1 offset: 0 precision: 2 device_class: voltage - name: "VE Multi Inverter State" slave: 246 address: 31 data_type: uint16 # Inverter States, 0=Off;1=Low Power;2=Fault;3=Bulk;4=Absorption;5=Float;6=Storage;7=Equalize;8=Passthru;9=Inverting;10=Power assist;11=Power supply;252=Bulk protection #Alarm Sensors - name: 'VE Grid lost alarm' slave: 246 address: 64 data_type: uint16 unit_of_measurement: "0=Ok;1=Warning" - name: 'VE Multi Temperature alarm' slave: 246 address: 34 data_type: uint16 unit_of_measurement: "0=Ok;1=Warning;2=Alarm" - name: 'VE Multi Overload alarm' slave: 246 address: 36 data_type: uint16 unit_of_measurement: "0=Ok;1=Warning;2=Alarm"
Node Red Generate URL
Vandaag heb ik nog een fout gevonden in de onderstaande code. Deze houdt namelijk geen rekening met de zomertijd waardoor de data in de grafieken een uur te vroeg staat. Het maakt voor de werking niets uit.
const today = new Date() let todayDate = ("0" + today.getDate()).slice(-2) let todayMonth = ("0" + (today.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2); let todayYear = today.getFullYear(); let todayString = todayYear + todayMonth + todayDate; var urlAddr = "<your token>&documentType=A44&in_Domain=10YNL----------L&out_Domain=10YNL----------L&periodStart=" + todayString + "0000&periodEnd=" + todayString + "2300" msg.url = urlAddr; return msg;
Node Red Get Next Hour Price
In onderstaande code staan nog de max_price en min_price genoemd. Ik gebruik deze verder niet in mijn algoritmes. Maar als je er gebruik van wilt maken dan kan dat.
var priceArray = []; priceArray = flow.get("pArray"); const today = new Date(); let todayHour = today.getHours(); let todayDate = ("0" + today.getDate()).slice(-2) let todayMonth = ("0" + (today.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2); let todayYear = today.getFullYear(); msg.payload = { "day_ahead_price": priceArray[todayHour] / 1000, "avg_price": priceArray[24] / 1000, "max_price": priceArray[25] / 1000, "min_price": priceArray[26] / 1000, "records": [ { "Time": todayYear + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDate + "T00:00:00", "Price": priceArray[0] / 1000 }, { "Time": todayYear + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDate + "T01:00:00", "Price": priceArray[1] / 1000 }, { "Time": todayYear + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDate + "T02:00:00", "Price": priceArray[2] / 1000 }, { "Time": todayYear + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDate + "T03:00:00", "Price": priceArray[3] / 1000 }, { "Time": todayYear + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDate + "T04:00:00", "Price": priceArray[4] / 1000 }, { "Time": todayYear + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDate + "T05:00:00", "Price": priceArray[5] / 1000 }, { "Time": todayYear + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDate + "T06:00:00", "Price": priceArray[6] / 1000 }, { "Time": todayYear + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDate + "T07:00:00", "Price": priceArray[7] / 1000 }, { "Time": todayYear + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDate + "T08:00:00", "Price": priceArray[8] / 1000 }, { "Time": todayYear + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDate + "T09:00:00", "Price": priceArray[9] / 1000 }, { "Time": todayYear + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDate + "T10:00:00", "Price": priceArray[10] / 1000 }, { "Time": todayYear + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDate + "T11:00:00", "Price": priceArray[11] / 1000 }, { "Time": todayYear + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDate + "T12:00:00", "Price": priceArray[12] / 1000 }, { "Time": todayYear + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDate + "T13:00:00", "Price": priceArray[13] / 1000 }, { "Time": todayYear + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDate + "T14:00:00", "Price": priceArray[14] / 1000 }, { "Time": todayYear + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDate + "T15:00:00", "Price": priceArray[15] / 1000 }, { "Time": todayYear + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDate + "T16:00:00", "Price": priceArray[16] / 1000 }, { "Time": todayYear + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDate + "T17:00:00", "Price": priceArray[17] / 1000 }, { "Time": todayYear + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDate + "T18:00:00", "Price": priceArray[18] / 1000 }, { "Time": todayYear + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDate + "T19:00:00", "Price": priceArray[19] / 1000 }, { "Time": todayYear + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDate + "T20:00:00", "Price": priceArray[20] / 1000 }, { "Time": todayYear + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDate + "T21:00:00", "Price": priceArray[21] / 1000 }, { "Time": todayYear + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDate + "T22:00:00", "Price": priceArray[22] / 1000 }, { "Time": todayYear + "-" + todayMonth + "-" + todayDate + "T23:00:00", "Price": priceArray[23] / 1000 } ] }; return msg;
De Apex-chart grafiek
Hier kan nog iets aan verbeterd worden maar inmiddels geeft het wel een goed overzicht.
type: custom:apexcharts-card experimental: color_threshold: true graph_span: 24h show: last_updated: true span: start: day header: title: Energy Prices today standard_format: false show: true show_states: false colorize_states: true apex_config: chart: height: 370 curve: stepline legend: show: true showForSingleSeries: false showForNullSeries: true showForZeroSeries: true position: bottom horizontalAlign: left floating: false inverseorder: true onItemHover: highlightDataSeries: false ontimeClick: toggleDataSeries: false tooltip: enabled: true now: show: false color: red label: Now yaxis: - id: first min: -0.1 max: ~0.5 decimals: 2 apex_config: tickAmount: 12 - id: second opposite: true min: 0 max: 100 decimals: 0 apex_config: tickAmount: 10 series: - entity: sensor.day_ahead_lowerband_price yaxis_id: first type: line color: hotpink unit: ' €' float_precision: 3 stroke_width: 2 - entity: sensor.day_ahead_upperband_price yaxis_id: first type: line color: steelblue unit: ' €' float_precision: 3 stroke_width: 2 - entity: sensor.day_ahead_price yaxis_id: first type: column color: black unit: ' €' float_precision: 3 stroke_width: 10 show: header_color_threshold: true legend_value: false data_generator: | return, index) => { return [record.Time, record.Price]; }); color_threshold: - value: 0 color: green - value: 0.05 color: lightgreen - value: 0.1 color: yellowgreen - value: 0.15 color: yellow - value: 0.2 color: yelloworange - value: 0.3 color: orange - value: 0.4 color: orangered - value: 0.5 color: red - value: 0.6 color: purple - value: 0.7 color: blue - entity: sensor.ve_battery_state_of_charge_system yaxis_id: second stroke_width: 3 color: blue view_layout: position: main